- AutorÃa y CoautorÃa en la Publicación CientÃfica;
- Educación Premédica.
- Authorship and Co-Authorship in Scientific Publications;
- Education, Premedical.
Sr. Editor
Recent publication entitled Scientific publication as the final stage of the investigative process written by Pedraza Rodriguez (1) motivated the author to write this letter. The article makes a sublime stratification of the research process and highlights the platforms available to the health sciences students to disseminate their results. However, it is necessary to expose the achievements in the research field regarding undergraduate publications.
Scientific activity constitutes a challenge and at the same time an opportunity for the future health professional. This dialectical interrelation dictates notable differences in the acquisition of skills necessary for professional performance; no matter what work is done. It is supported by Resolution No. 15 of the Ministry of Public Health of Cuba and constitutes an intra and extracurricular strategy in the training plans of the Higher Education Centers of Medical Sciences in Cuba (2) .
The primary objective of an investigation should be the resolution of problems of social impact. Every strategy starts from the correct formulation of the scientific question on which the objectives that contribute to its development are drawn. In the opinion of the author, combined with this core aspect, the motivation for the topic to be known or one in particular should be the driving force that pushes the student to investigate and its subsequent publication. Jiménez-Franco (3) exposes in his recent research elements that support the previous criterion.
The complex health situation generated by COVID-19 aroused the interest of students regarding unknown situations related to the unprecedented disease. In this particular case, the scientific activity was supported by multiple contributions; reached the figure of 69 articles referring to SARS-CoV2 related to dissimilar spheres (3) . They contributed in this way to the generation of constant information from a different point of view, thus allowing to draw new strategies and questions on which to work.
The second criterion is demonstrated with the work of Bados Enriquez et al (4) whose analysis is based on the perception of the impact of research development in undergraduate studies. Exhibits 99% approval from participating students. Magariño Abreus et al (5) obtained a similar result where the greatest motivation of the student body is to increase their scientific level and to prepare for working life.
Without doubt, scientific production from undergraduate contributes to the comprehensive preparation of the student. It provides useful and necessary tools: perception of the meritorious topic to be investigated, defining the research lines, defining and developing search strategies according to the research topic, better command of the language and excellence in scientific writing.
In the same way, it guarantees the formation, development and consolidation of scientific and logical thought; both necessary for the issuance of criteria and / or opinions based on the principles of professional and scientific ethics. Aspects that should prevail in the reviewer and scientific editor, according to the author's criteria.
The formation of research habits and skills depends largely on the student. Along with their efforts should be the guidance of the tutor or advisor; the highest figure that should guide and supervise the task performed. In this case, he is the one who must keep the motivation of the young researcher active and above all educate him in the good practices of the research process; thus, avoiding cumbersome situations that slow down their preparation and entrepreneurial character (6) .
There are still limitations for the broad development of student scientific activity, especially the publication of results. In this regard, national projects are being developed in order to increase the rate of publications and specially to motivate a greater number of students to join the ranks of young medical researchers.
The work carried out by the Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences, developing two editions of the Scientific Publications Course for students of Medical Sciences stands out. The first edition aimed at theoretical and basic aspects that every student with an interest in publishing should know. Its renewed and recent edition broadens the spectrum of knowledge by addressing notions related to basic biostatistics and data processing.
For its part, the University of Medical Sciences of Cienfuegos completed the recent edition of the Research Methodology Course for Students of Medical Sciences. In it, lectures were given on topics related to the basic notions of research, final preparation of the types of manuscripts and the development and application of information search strategies.
It is valid to recognize that both courses are related not only because of the similarity of the topics covered; but because they are editions prepared and directed by students with extensive teaching experience and notable research results. Similarly, they were affiliated with national student magazines: Universidad Medica Pinareña, Scalpelo and INMEDSUR.
All the examples presented allow us to affirm that the research process, especially its final stage; it has been supported and nurtured by the growing interest of the students who develop it and those who join the ranks of young researchers. It allows improving the scientific endeavor from an integral, healthy and innovative perspective.
Declaration of authorship
LEJF, CDR participated in the conception and design of the work, collection and obtaining of the information, analysis and interpretation of the data, writing of the manuscript and approval of its final version.
Conflict of interest
no conflicts of interest are declared.
No funding was received for the research.
1.Pedraza-RodrÃguez EM. La publicación cientÃfica como etapa final del proceso investigativo. Scalpelo [Internet]. 2020 [citado 21/05/2022];1(3). 1-3 Available from: http://www.rescalpelo.sld.cu/index.php/scalpelo/article/view/101
2Jorge Fernández M, Rubio Olivares DY, González Sánchez R, Fundora Mirabal J, Castellanos Laviña JC, Curbelo Menéndez O et al. La formación investigativa de los estudiantes de Medicina. Edu Med Sup [Internet]. 2008 [citado 21/05/2022]; 22(4): 1-16. Available from: http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0864-21412008000400005
3Jiménez-Franco LE. Producción cientÃfica sobre COVID-19 publicada en revistas cientÃficas estudiantiles cubanas en el periodo enero 2020 marzo 2021. Univ Méd Pinareña [Internet]. 2021 [citado: 21/05/2022]; 17(1):e696. Available from: http://revgaleno.sld.cu/index.php/ump/article/view/696
4Bados Enriquez DM, Bilbao Acosta DS. Apreciación de Estudiantes de Medicina sobre el Proceso de Formación en Investigación Médica en el Pregrado: Experiencia en Colombia. Rev Educ Cienc Salud [Internet]. 2016 [citado 21/05/2022]; 16(1): 23-27. Available from: https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=6930130
5Magariño Abreus LR, EchevarrÃa Regojo L, Rivero Morey RJ, Ramos Rangel Y. Percepción sobre investigación cientÃfica en estudiantes de estomatologÃa. Cibanmanz2021 [Internet]. 2021 [citado 21/05/2022]; 1(1): 1-15 p. Available from: https://cibamanz2021.sld.cu/index.php/cibamanza/cibamanz2021/paper/view/99
6Pino Buchillón S. Importancia para los estudiantes de las ciencias médicas de publicar los resultados de sus investigaciones. Progaleno [Internet]. 2018 [citado 21/05/2022]; 1(1): 1-7. Available from: http://www.revprogaleno.sld.cu/index.php/progaleno/article/view/48/2
- » Received: 21/05/2021
- » Accepted: 07/10/2022
- pub: 09/02/2023