Citación:Pacios Dorado JL, Barroso Fontanals ME. Psychology in Intensive Care. Revdosdic [Inter- net]. 2023 [citado: fecha de acceso];6(4): e468 [aprox. 3 p.]. Disponible en:
ZamoraLeónUniversidaddeCiencias Médicas de Granma.
Revisado por:RobinFajardoAlcalá
UniversidaddeCiencias MédicasdeGranma.
RolandoJavierÁlvarez Pérez Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Granma.
Juan Leonardo Pacios Dorado1MiguelEnriqueBarrosoFontanals2
1UniversityofMedicalSciencesSantiagodeCuba,JulioTrigoLópezBranch,PalmaSoriano, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.
The use of psychology in patients admitted to Intensive Care is of vital importance to both their emotional well-being and physical recovery. Intensive Care is a hospital unit thatcaresforpatientswithseriousillnessesorinjuriesthatrequireconstantmonitoring and care.
Patients in Intensive Care often face extreme stress, pain, uncertainty and isolation. Seriousmedicalconditions,thepresenceofnumerousdevicesandthelackofcontact with loved people can generate feelings of anxiety, distress, fear and depression inpatients(1).
In this context, psychologists play an important role in providing emotional support, alleviating distress, and helping patients cope with the negative emotions that may ari- seduringtheirhospitalizationinthisservice.Inaddition,psychologicalinterventioncan be beneficial in preventing and managingthe trauma associated with the experience of being in this medical unit.
Psychologists work closely with the medical team to assess and address patients’ emotionalneeds.Theyusetherapeutictechniquesthatincludeactivelistening,emo- tionalsupport,relaxationandbreathingtechniques,guidedvisualizationandcogniti- verestructuring,amongothers.Theseinterventionshelptoreduceanxiety,improve mood, promote acceptance of the situation and strengthen patients’ psychologicalresources(2).
Inadditiontodirectsupportforpatients,psychologistsshouldalsoprovidesupport for family members and caregivers. Hospitalization in this inpatient service can be
overwhelmingforbothpatientsandtheirlovedones,andpsychologicalsupportcanbe critical in managing stress, worry and adjustment to the situation(3).
Importantly, the use of psychology in Intensive Careis not limited to emotional support alone, but can also play a role in ethical decision making and in planning the patient’s transitiontoothercareunitsorhome.Psychologistscanhelppatientsandtheirfamilies make informed decisions and emotionally process difficult situations related to treat- ment and medical prognosis.
ll-being and recovery of patients. Psychologists provide emotional support, stress ma- nagement and ethical decision making to both patients and their families. Their inter- ventioncontributestoimprovingpatients’qualityoflifeandpromotingcomprehensive care in this challenging medical environment.
JLPD:participated in the conception and design of the work, collection and obtaining of the informa- tion,analysisandinterpretationofthedata,writingofthemanuscriptandapprovalofitsfinalversion.
MEBF:participated in the conception and design of the work, collection and obtaining of the informa- tion,analysisandinterpretationofthedata,writingofthemanuscriptandapprovalofitsfinalversion.
DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY:the article has not been published or submitted to another journal for consideration.