Diabetis mellitus and its vascular disease
Diabetes mellitus, Peripheral vascular diseases, Diabetic angiopathies, Diabetes education, Human clinic, Risk factors.Abstract
Introduction: diabetes mellitus is a chronic condition identified at any age, predominantly in adulthood. It sometimes favors the development of metabolic disorders and vascular conditions.
Objective: to describe the risk factors associated with peripheral vascular disease in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Method: an observational, descriptive and retrospective study was conducted with 62 diabetic patients residing in the Popular Council 8, those who attended Angiology consultation of the Polyclinic No.2 of Manzanillo, in the period from November 2017 to 2018. The main variables were: age, sex, time of evolution of the disease and risk factors.
Results: there was a predominance of female sex (73.2%) and patients with vascular diseases (66.1%). Adults over 60 years of age (43.9%) were the most representative group. A prevalence of arterial hypertension (67.7 %), obesity (46.7 %) and smoking (33.8 %) was observed. It was found that 47.8 % of diabetic patients had more than three associated risk factors.
Conclusions: diabetic patients frequently present peripheral vascular diseases, especially in women over 60 years of age with risk factors (hypertension, obesity and smoking), which indicates the importance of early diagnosis for timely treatment.
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