Impact of the "Protect Your Heart" Educational Strategy on High School Teens
cardiovascular diseases, adolescent, strategiesAbstract
Introduction: The prevention of cardiovascular diseases from early age constitutes an essential pillar for health systems.
Objective: To evaluate the impact of an educational strategy aimed at pre-university adolescents, aimed at promoting the prevention and control of the factors identified as modifiable risks for the onset of cardiovascular diseases.
Methodological design: A quasi-experimental study was develop at Francisco Vicente Aguilera Pre-University Institute, Bayamo municipality, from September 2017 to April 2018. The sample consisted of 31 cases. The variables studied included nutritional status, duration and frequency in the practice of physical exercise, pastry, fats and fried foods consumption, salt consumption, smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages. The expert criterion was apply by the Delphi method and the signed Wilcoxon rank test.
Results: Six months after the educational strategy, a greater percentage of normal weight was found, with a significant decrease in the consumption of pastry shops, fats and fried foods, as well as salt in the diet (p = 0.000); the habit of smoking contributed only 2 occasional cases and the consumption of alcoholic beverages decreased significantly.
Conclusions: A high impact was obtain from the assessment obtained by expert criteria and the significantly favourable transformations obtained in most of the modifiable risks investigated.
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