Priapism and phimosis in sickle cell anemia


  • Leonela Guerra Frutos Granma Medical University, Manzanillo Faculty
  • Jesús Daniel de la Rosa Santana Granma Medical University, Manzanillo Faculty
  • Iria Gamboa Piquet Granma Medical University, Manzanillo Faculty
  • Julio Vázquez Gutiérrez Granma Medical University
  • Giselle Vázquez Gutiérrez Granma Medical University


priapismo, phimosis, anemia drepanocítica, erectile dysfunction


Priapismo is the abnormal, prolonged and painful erection of the penis, not related with sexual desire. An emergency is urological, and the premature intervention offers the best opportunity for the functional recuperation. Hygiene and the preputial adequate care are fundamental to avoid the fibrosis of the ring prepucial and the development of phimosis. An adolescent afflicted of both affections with consequence of erectile irreversible dysfunction after surgical treatment shows up. The priapismo in the Anemia Drepanocítica is of low flow; It must be diagnosed and processed rapidly. The therapeutic initial boarding must be individualized; You are recommended in the first 12 hours aspiration and direct irrigation of the cavernous bodies with agents diluted simpaticomiméticos and, in case of failing the aforementioned procedures, making the surgical anastomosis of the cavernous bodies toward the spongy body or venous affluents.


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How to Cite

Guerra Frutos L, de la Rosa Santana JD, Gamboa Piquet I, Vázquez Gutiérrez J, Vázquez Gutiérrez G. Priapism and phimosis in sickle cell anemia. Revdosdic [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 2 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];2(1 (2019):33-7. Available from: