Excess weight in schoolchildren, Manzanillo, a look from their social determinants


  • Iván Ferrer Zamora Granma Medical University, Manzanillo Faculty
  • Leonela Guerra Frutos Granma Medical University, Manzanillo Faculty
  • Jesús Daniel de la Rosa Santana Granma Medical University, Manzanillo Faculty
  • Julio Vázquez Gutiérrez Granma Medical University
  • Giselle Vázquez Gutiérrez Granma Medical University


social determinants, overweight, pediatric obesity


Excess weight in schoolchildren, due to its upward trend is reason for a priority action in its prevention in Manzanillo. The authors consider that the way of life of the population of Manzanillo must be known scientifically, identifying the elements that condition it, to establish the degree of individual and collective responsibility in its existence, as well as the interrelation with the situation of the excess weight process in schoolchildren. The reflections that are exposed make it possible to increase the link between health professionals and preventive medicine from social determinants. It is concluded that the current research and scientific production on social determinants of excess weight in schoolchildren in Manzanillo requires proposing, coordinating and integrating a sustainable strategy in the medium and long term aimed at reducing overweight and obesity in the population of this age group.


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How to Cite

Ferrer Zamora I, Guerra Frutos L, de la Rosa Santana JD, Vázquez Gutiérrez J, Vázquez Gutiérrez G. Excess weight in schoolchildren, Manzanillo, a look from their social determinants. Revdosdic [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 2 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];2(1 (2019):82-9. Available from: https://revdosdic.sld.cu/index.php/revdosdic/article/view/26



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