Alcoholism and its impact on human health, the family and society


  • Sara Mojena Batista Granma Medical University, Manzanillo Faculty
  • Elvis María Arias Aguilar Granma Medical University, Manzanillo Faculty
  • Yusladis Gómez Carrera Granma Medical University, Manzanillo Faculty
  • Marlenis Pompa Cañete Granma Medical University


alcohol, alcoholism, alcohol dependence


Nowadays one of the most pressing problems that faces our society is the alcoholism, this can be defined as the excessive consumption of alcohol in a lengthy way with a dependence of it. It is a chronic illness produced by an out of control consumption of alcohol which interferes in the physical, social, mental and family health and at the same time with the working responsibilities. The objective of this research is to deepen in the aspects of this serious problem and to display tools to its prevention and also to describe the major damages that the alcoholism can bring to the family, the society and the human health.


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How to Cite

Mojena Batista S, Arias Aguilar EM, Gómez Carrera Y, Pompa Cañete M. Alcoholism and its impact on human health, the family and society. Revdosdic [Internet]. 2018 May 25 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];1(1 (2018):73-9. Available from:



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