Family health in adolescents with risk of suicide attempt in the Popular Council No.6. Polyclinic I Francisca Rivero Arocha
teenager, suicide attempt, family healthAbstract
Introduction: The family is a mediator in health and illness. The family is an institution of the social structure that is defined in a particular way in the system of relationships in the context of the home.
Objective: To describe the risk indicators of family health in adolescents at risk of suicide attempt by the Popular Council No.6. Polyclinic I from March 2016 to March 2017.
Methodological Design: A descriptive study was carried out, the universe of work was the families that had a teenager at risk of suicide attempt, which were a total of 34 families, taking into account for this the risk indicators established by the National Program for the prevention and control of suicidal behavior, of which 10 families (29.41%) were selected by simple random sampling and in turn a battery of instruments was applied to assess family health and to make the family health matrix. The data were processed by percentage analysis and absolute numbers.
Results: In the family group stand out the internal problems of the family, economic and school, highlighting medium-sized families, with extensive structure and dysfunctional family functioning with various family characteristics of risk, the family health matrix located a majority group of families in the coincidence of family dysfunction and severe and moderate criticality, which translates that most of these families have marked difficulties to face the problems that can favor self-destructive behavior in some of its members.
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