Immunotherapy as an alternative for gynecological cancer
Cancer, Immune System, Immunotherapy, Gynecological, Cervical, Therapy.Abstract
Introduction: cancer is a serious disease that consists of the continuous multiplication of abnormal cells that have the capacity to invade and destroy other tissues, endangering the life of patients. Gynecological cancer is one of the cancers that most affects women and causes thousands of deaths every year.Objective: to describe the use of immunotherapy in oncogynecology.Methods: a literature review was conducted in April 2021. The study included articles from 25 Cuban and international journals. A search was carried out with the terms "cancer", "immunotherapy", "gynecological", "cervical"; for Spanish and English in the MEDLINE, Pubmed and Scielo databases.
Development: currently, there are some checkpoint blocking therapies that have proven to be effective against gynecological cancer such as ipilimumab, which blocks CTLA-4 and pembrolizumab, PD-1. The use of monoclonal antibodies such as bevacizumab, the first antiangiogenic therapy used in the clinic for ovarian cancer, has also been tested. On the other hand, although a prophylactic vaccine against cancer has not yet been found, it has been possible to create therapeutic vaccines to attenuate the disease and some of its risk factors, such as the human papilloma virus.Conclusions: the use of immunotherapy stands out among the new techniques for the management of cancer, unlike the rest of the routine treatments, this therapy seeks to stimulate the patient's own defenses; in this way it becomes an alternative to face the disease.
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