Cytokines Torment associated to COVID-19
Cytokines, Coronavirus, Infection, Coronavirus Infections, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, Epidemiology.Abstract
Introduction:COVID-19 is the disease caused by a new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 that was identified and characterized in January 2020 in China. This condition is accompanied by an aggressive inflammatory response with a huge liberation of pro-inflammatory cytokines. This event is called cytokines torment.
Objective: to describe cytokines torments associated to COVID-19.
Methods: a review of 29 bibliographic references was made, consulting articles from Elsevier, SciELO, ClinicalKey,Pubmed and Google Schoolar were reviewed, through different databases. Markers cytokines; coronavirus; infection; coronavirus infections; severe acute respiratory syndrome and epidemiology were used as descriptors.
Development: all pathological process begins with defects in the T-cells activity and increasing activity of the macrophages and activation of all the immune system because cytokines torments. This potentially deadly affection is presented in patients with COVID-19.
Conclusions:infection for COVID-19 is accompanied by an inflammatory aggressive response with the liberation of a huge amount of proinflammatory cytokines. This is called cytokines torments. This can show up with a variety of symptoms that go from a mild flu to a lifethreading disease.Downloads
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