Temporomandibular dysfunction in angolan patients with malocclusion
Temporomandibular dysfunction, Malocclusion, Temporomandibular joint, Disease, Temporomandibular Joint.Abstract
Introduction: dental occlusion was accepted as one of the main etiological factors of dysfunctional disorders. Understanding occlusion in its anatomical and functional context allows for more accurate diagnoses and directs therapeutic procedures for alterations caused by occlusal disharmony. Comorbidity between malocclusion and temporomandibular dysfunction in Angolan patients is not recorded in the reviewed literature.
Objective: to identify the degree of temporomandibular dysfunction in Angolan patients with malocclusion.
Methods: a cross-sectional descriptive observational study was carried out in 26 patients with malocclusion, treated at the orthodontic consultation of the Meditex-Alvalade Dental Clinic, in Luanda, Angola, between August and December 2021. The following variables were used: degree of temporomandibular dysfunction, age, sex and molar ratio. Maglione index was applied.
Results: 73,07 % of the patients showed temporomandibular dysfunction; 50,00 % of the patients aged 19-35 years presented mild temporomandibular dysfunction as well as 41,17 % of the female patients; most of the patients presented class II molar relationship, of which 64,28 % showed mild dysfunction.
Conclusions: Angolan patients with malocclusion were characterized by mild temporomandibular dysfunction, mainly in the ages between 19-35 years and female; the class II molar relationship was the most representative.
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