Some metrics of the papers presented at the XXXII Student Scientific Conference of the University of Medical Sciences of Las Tunas



Authorship, Science, Students, Research, Worked.


Introduction: the student scientific activity is a dynamic process that includes all the activities that are carried out during a course, among which are: the Student Scientific Day, so it is of interest its analysis in order to find barriers and strengths.

Objective: to characterize some metrics of the works presented in the XXXII Student Scientific Conference of the University of Medical Sciences of Las Tunas.

Methods: a descriptive and transversal bibliometric study was carried out in January 2022 with the papers presented at the XXXII Student Scientific Conference of the University of Medical Sciences of Las Tunas. The universe consisted of 99 papers. Variables such as type of work, assistantship and those related to bibliographic references were evaluated. Descriptive statistics were used.

Results: the Faculty of Medical Sciences "Dr. Zoilo E. Marinello Vidaurreta" was the institution with the highest number of papers in the event (76). A total of 238 participants were reported, with a predominance of multiple authorship in the papers, 69.75% were composed of 3 authors. The participation of internal medicine assistant students predominated (19). A total of 1945 bibliographic references were used, with an average of 19.65 references per paper. The PI was between 0.3 (case presentations) and 0.36 (originals).

Conclusions: the XXXI Jornada Científica Estudiantil was characterized by the predominance of multiple authorship, female authors, outstanding participation of internal medicine assistant students, use of bibliographic references in Spanish in the reports, as well as a low Price index.



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How to Cite

Landrove Escalona EA, Fajardo Quesada AJ, Hernández González EA, Mitjans Hernández D, Avila Díaz D. Some metrics of the papers presented at the XXXII Student Scientific Conference of the University of Medical Sciences of Las Tunas. Revdosdic [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];5(2):e356. Available from:



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