Uncommon pathology of seminal vesicle cyst


  • Dasha María Palomino García Granma Medical University, Manzanillo Faculty
  • Diana Sucel Núñez Guevara Granma Medical University, Manzanillo Faculty
  • Arianna Rodríguez Jiménez Granma Medical University


prostatic cyst, seminal vesicle cyst, cyst of the müllerian canal, ejaculatory duct diverticulum


It was carried out a descriptive and qualitative study with the ob jective of describing the findings discovered in a patient with seminal vesicle cyst in Manzanillo. The data was gather in primary sources by means of observation of the different diagnosis and the interrogation of the patient to collect personal information. The computer axial tomography confirms the right kidney agenesis, moderated dilation of the contralateral ureteropyelocalicial system and hypo dense image (liquid density) right paravesical of 48 x 50 mm compatible with the right seminal vesicle cyst. It is concluded that the miccional symptomatology obstructive or irritable, the pain perineal or scrotal and epidimytis in a male in the second and third decade of its life must bring suspect of the presence of seminal vesicle cyst. The study of the images is essential to confirm the diagnosis of this pathology, mostly the resonance and the tomography.


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How to Cite

Palomino García DM, Núñez Guevara DS, Rodríguez Jiménez A. Uncommon pathology of seminal vesicle cyst. Revdosdic [Internet]. 2018 May 25 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];1(1 (2018):57-62. Available from: https://revdosdic.sld.cu/index.php/revdosdic/article/view/8



Case Report