Bibliometric study of the megazine Gaceta Médica Estudiantil

Yanier Espinosa Goire, Andy Guillermo Paumier Durán, Bizmar Alejandro Frómeta Correa, José Manuel Padilla González

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Introduction: gscientific research constitutes one of the fundamental pillars in the advancement of
Medicine, in such a way that from the Undergraduate level it is necessary to implement research chairs
and different favorable mechanisms towards the collective construction of knowledge. Bibliometrics
statistically and quantitatively analyzes publications within a specific research field. Objective: to
characterize the scientific production of the Gaceta Médica Estudiantil magazine between the year
2020 and the first issue of 2023. Method: a bibliometric study was carried out. The universe was made
up of 76 published scientific articles. The sampling technique was not used. The variables analyzed
were: year of publication, type and topic of the article, career in medical sciences, origin of the
author, number of authors, readings, downloads, and bibliographic references. Descriptive statistics,
power of attraction, degree of collaboration and the Price index were applied. Results: the year 2020
presented the highest number of articles published 31 (40.78%) and the highest collaboration rate.
The original articles predominated 38 (50%). Articles with 5 authors stood out. The Medicine career
predominated with 56 articles (73, 68%). The Guantanamo University of Medical Sciences stood out
with the largest number of authors (105 authors, 51.22%). 233 keywords, 57 structured abstracts and
1078 bibliographical references were used. Conclusions: the importance of the bibliometric study lies
in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the Gaceta Médica Estudiantil journal, always with
a constructive approach to increase its visibility and meet international quality the
medical career is predominantly null.sciences in Cuba.

Palabras clave

Bibliometric study; Scientific investigation; Student Medical Gazette.


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Copyright (c) 2023 Yanier Espinosa Goire, Andy Guillermo Paumier Durán, Bizmar Alejandro Frómeta Correa, José Manuel Padilla González

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