Students from medical Sciences in preventive measures to COVID-19 in Bayamo



COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, Coronavirus Infections, Primary health, Disease Prevention


Introduction: COVID-19, a disease caused by the new coronavirus identified in China in December 2019, has been considered a pandemic, and its screening by medical students allows the detection of suspected and positive cases of the disease.

Objective: to characterize the behavior of active screening for COVID-19 by medical students at the Jimmy Hirzel teaching polyclinic.

Methods: an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out; the universe was constituted by 412 students of medical sciences, from the careers of Medicine, Stomatology, Nursing and Health Technologies, distributed in the whole population of the polyclinic, in the period from April to June 2020.

Results: female sex predominated for 72.8% of the total number of students, the largest number corresponded to the Medicine career with 244 students, 98% of the population of this area was investigated, respiratory symptoms predominated with 728 patients, followed by fever with 141.

Conclusions: the greatest number of students who carried out the survey were from the Medicine career and of the female sex, the majority of the population of the area was surveyed, respiratory symptoms were the fundamental findings.
Keywords: COVID-19; SARS-CoV-2; Coronavirus infections; primary health care; Disease prevention.



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How to Cite

López Batista CA, Escalona Guevara P, Téllez González D, Véliz Telles D, Mesa Batista M. Students from medical Sciences in preventive measures to COVID-19 in Bayamo. Revdosdic [Internet]. 2022 Apr. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];5(1):e275. Available from:



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